Edge Lindén


Edge Lindén

Edge Lindén, 40 years old.

Describe in which way you are home-improver

I tend to want to try and fix everything myself, I like challenges and I’m not afraid to get on with something I’ve never done before. This summer, for example, I did some concreting. I like carpentry, although I am actually an electrician.

Tell us about a home-improvement project you are satisfied with – big or small

I’m very pleased with our entrance that I built this summer, with stainless steel countersunk wood screws and post brackets from Jula.

How will you be celebrating your 40th birthday?

I’m going to celebrate my 40th birthday this summer (birthday in the spring).

Which is your favourite product/thing in our product range?

My favourite thing in Jula’s product range is countersunk wood screws (good price and quality).

Do you have any tips about a product you would like to see in our product range?

The product that I wish was in in Jula’s product range is a combination square.